16 Mar 2011

The New Craftsman - NEXT SHOW

This piece, I'm not ready to be 
cheered upis off to St Ives with me 
in 3 weeks for a show at the New 
Craftsman GalleryShe'll be part of a large 
collection of work that I'll be showing in 
the beautifully refurbished gallery alongside 
paintings by Emma Jeffryes.
I saw Emma's work years ago when 
we accidently went to her private view 
so it's ace to be showing with her.


Sarah said...

What are the dates of your exhibition? I'm on holiday near St Ives from the 14th May so I'm hoping I can catch it!

Jo said...

Ahh, I like this one tons.
What a great face. x

Ilona Niemi said...

Fantastic blog! You've got a new follower here.

sammy and glenn: pachadesign said...

we will certainly go to see your work at the new craftsmen - looking forward to it.