Some heads I have titles for before I start. Some I know what they feel like to me but don't have the words so have to hunt them down. Some I don't even know who or what they are and I spend hours trying to tease some information out of them to get me thinking about a title. It's one of my favourite parts of the process but it takes time. I always stumble across other interesting word formations, quotes or ideas - so it feels like as I'm finishing off this body of work I am simultaneously starting another. These five will be coming to London with me.
glad to wear glasses

what is the opposite of two, a lonely me, a lonely you

old joy

keep it all in

a worrying animal
glad to wear glasses

what is the opposite of two, a lonely me, a lonely you

old joy

keep it all in

a worrying animal
amazing work!
The worrying animal is my favorite!
oh i like so much how you described the process of the title-finding!
great work!
nr.1 is my favourite of thouse here
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